Wednesday 8th May, 5pm
Power, the language of disasters and what it means for action.
Dr Marilyn Palmer was a foundation member of the Social Work Program at Edith Cowan University, actively involved in researching and teaching in the areas of ecosocial work, domestic violence, ecojustice activism, and transformative leadership in disaster recovery. Since formally retiring in 2022, Marilyn has continued her engagement with the university through tutoring and supporting research on cultural humility, and ecological grief and loss. Beyond the university, she practices activism through the Alongside Women’s Action Group weekly vigil in Bunbury, as a member of the Waratah Management Committee, and as an active member of Greens WA.

Join us for what we are certain will be a thought provoking and motivating conversation, drawing on the deep-thinking that Marilyn is engaged with regarding how we concieve of, communicate and teach about climate change.