Supporting Organisations

The following organisations are lending their support to the Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan.

The Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) is a lead partner in the Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan.

As Australia’s peak professional association for environmental educators, we provide a collaborative and supportive network for the growing force of cross-sector environmental educators across our states and territories.

The Climate Change Education Network is an open collective of academics working in climate change education across various institutional, public, and community spaces of learning.

We originally sought connection in early 2020 with a wider intention of creating an action response to the climate crisis and to address the lack of climate change pedagogy and curriculum in various educational settings. Since then we have been collaboratively researching, writing, teaching and delivering events to “create climate change”.

Despite the changing nature of the landscape, the ongoing challenges to our communities, and the social and ecological shifts ocurring we believe climate change education is more critical as ever.

“The Climate Change Education Network (CCEN) is a collective of academics who choose to meet regularly to collaborate to explore climate change education. We support the Climate Change Education Summit project and lend our support to the call for Climate Change Education Strategy for Australia.”

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition is Australia’s largest youth-run organisation, our mission is to build a movement of young people leading solutions to the climate crisis.

Young people have the most to lose from climate change, but we also have a lot to gain. Climate change is our best opportunity to create a world that works for everyone, not just a few. We can power our lives with the wind and sun, and ensure access to clean energy and job opportunities for all.

“DATTA Vic is delighted to support the 2024 Climate Change Education Summit. We are the professional association for teachers of Design & Technologies in Victoria. In the Design & Technologies curriculum, students consider ethical factors including the environmental and social impacts of technological change, and how the choice and use of technologies can contribute to a sustainable future. This learning area seeks to develop citizens with the knowledge and confidence to analyse, critique and creatively respond to design needs and opportunities for a circular economy. In short, we develop the creative problem solvers that we need to address global challenges like climate change and create a sustainable future.”

The Australian Science Teachers Association is the federation of Science Teacher Associations across each state and territory in Australia.

“Griffith University’s Climate Action Beacon recognises the urgent need for climate change education as well as its importance at all levels in order to prepare societies for current and future challenges. This will rely on transdisciplinary expertise to shape effective and impactful climate change education that builds resilience amongst those of all ages.”

The GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) Program is an international science and education program that focuses on promoting scientific literacy and building connections between people passionate about the environment. GLOBE has three primary goals: increasing environmental awareness, contributing to increased scientific understanding of the Earth and supporting improved student achievement in science and mathematics. By participating in GLOBE, students, teachers, researchers and lifelong learners can connect with the program’s global community.

In the Microplastics Monitoring Protocol Trial, students measure the concentration of microplastics in surface waters in the chosen hydrosphere study site. The students will apply a simple sequence of operations, using instruments and tools common in high schools (microscopes) as well as in sustainable development education centres.

“Millennium Kids have had youth voice and engagement at the heart of our organisation since 1996. We look forward to supporting the work of the Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan through our youth led Agents of Climate Change program.”

Parents For Climate are Australia’s leading climate advocacy organisation for parents, carers, families and all who care about a safe future for kids. 

“We educate and empower our supporters to make the climate safer for every child.  Founded in 2019 by six regional, rural and urban mums in four states and territories, we’ve grown rapidly to fill a critical gap in the climate movement. We are a parent organisation, run by parents for parents.

“It is critical that the education curriculum is fit for purpose for the world that our youth will be growing up and living in today and tomorrow. Climate Change will affect and is indeed already affecting every area of our lives, our society and our economy, including future vocations and careers. We need to ensure that the youth of today are prepared and equipped with the right knowledge and skills to adapt in this ever changing landscape. Which is why Climate Change education is paramount and needs to be immediately addressed.”

“The Port Phillip EcoCentre has been transforming the way Melbourne understands wildlife, waterways and climate change since 1999. Our team use the physical world as our classroom to connect people with community and their local nature. Our work is integral to enacting climate change education, and we endorse the Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan project’s work toward a Climate Change Education Strategy for Australia.

The Sustainability, Environment, and the Arts in Education (SEAE) Research Centre is globally recognised for enacting profound change in/through transdisciplinary environmental and Arts education research that disrupts and generates new ways of being and becoming, which provokes dynamic responses to critical local-global calamities.

This research centre represents a large collective of researchers working across sustainability, environment and the Arts in education. This centre is unique and has a transdisciplinary research focus which directly informs public debate, policy, advocacy and practice.

Striking Voices is a research project (2022-2025) with young people (12-25 years old) involved in climate justice activism (ARC; DE220100103). This project is hoping to amplify young people’s stories of climate justice action, bringing together stories of young people across a range of places, communities, backgrounds and grassroots groups. The project is drawing attention to why many young people are taking action towards climate justice, the different ways of taking action, the highs and lows of taking action, and how schools are responding to young people’s concerns about climate change and justice. Follow the project on Instagram at: @striking_voices, and on Linktree.

“The Striking Voices project team supports the Climate Change Education Summit and action plan. The young people we have spoken to seek out forms of climate change education that centre First Nations and First Peoples’ knowledges, join up issues of climate change and social injustice, and encourage collective action. Climate change education should be directly informed by the perspectives of young people.”

“Climate change will increasingly shape our lives and livelihoods. It is therefore paramount to educate younger and future generations about climate change and associated impacts and risks. We need to equip these generations the best we can to help them deal with the changes that are about to come.”

Prof. Katrin Meissner

Director of the Climate Change Research Centre at UNSW

“Supporting climate science education within STEM subjects is essential for addressing climate change. Although climate science is inherently interdisciplinary – combining scientific methods, mathematics, and technology -it often receives less emphasis in STEM curricula compared to non-STEM subjects. This can cause students to underestimate the importance of STEM skills in this field and miss opportunities to apply their talents. By integrating climate science more prominently into STEM education, we can inspire and equip students to address climate challenges, expanding the talent pool and enabling them to make meaningful contributions to our planet’s future.”

Dr. Sanaa Hobeichi

Senior Research Associate at The Climate Change Research Centre (at UNSW), with The ARC CoE for 21st Century Weather and The ARC CoE for Climate Extremes.

“The Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Learning (EASL) is an alliance of seven councils (Boroondara, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse and Yarra Ranges) supporting and connecting educators across the eastern region of Melbourne. We focus on Professional Development, inspiring educators to incorporate sustainability into their classrooms and workplace’s culture.”

“Climate education is vital to the work we do to make change for Tasmania and beyond, from the University of Tasmania we seek opportunities to partner with other communities taking action for climate and we are proud to support the Australian Climate Change Education Summit this October.”

Corey Peterson – Chief Sustainability Officer, University of Tasmania.

EENSW is a State Chapter of the Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE), the national peak professional association for environmental educators in Australia.

We support education for sustainability in NSW, in keeping with the three major roles of AAEE:

  • promoting the most extensive and effective use of education and engagement to help people live more sustainably and protect and enhance the local environment
  • supporting its members and others in the sector via professional development
  • building greater strength in local networks that facilitate collaboration and skill sharing

We work in the interests of quality education and environmental change. For more than 30 years, we have been integrally involved in the development of Learning for Sustainability Plans as well as NSW school curriculum policy and support. We represent environmental educators across the state in discussions and debates, and provide submissions and recommendations on sustainability issues and directions for a sustainable future.

“It’s essential that climate change education becomes embedded in the Australian curriculum. Through education, students are empowered to make informed decisions and develop climate change resilience from a young age. We are in full support of the work of the Climate Change Education Network”

Global Climate Change Week (GCCW) encourages academic communities – including academics, students, and non-academic staff at universities – in all disciplines and countries to engage with each other, their communities, and policy makers on climate change action and solutions.

Held annually in October, GCCW provides an open platform for academics to register their interest, put their universities on the map, and organise voluntary activities aimed at raising awareness, inspiring behaviour change, and driving transformation in relation to climate policy.

“GCCW is delighted to support the Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan project being organised by Deakin University’s Centre for Regenerating Futures which is precisely the kind of activity GCCW was set up to encourage. GCCW encourages similar initiatives around the globe as we build worldwide concern and action on climate change. We very much look forward to the release of the Acton Plan on the final day of GCCW 2024.”

University of the Sunshine Coast has a commitment to championing environmentally sustainable principles and practices, supporting the commitment to creating a sustainable future through education.”

“Climate change education is no longer an optional extra in schools. Helping our educators and young people understand and adjust to an evolving way of living and learning for sustainability is vital to our health, happiness, and our planet. advocates for social, economic, and environmental education to address the climate changes happening now and for those to come.” 

“Psychology for a Safe Climate (PSC) focuses on communicating and educating about climate change in ways that make room for the emotional experiences of processing this information and its implications for your life and the future. Part of this is supporting educators in their own climate journeys, and we offer a ”climate aware” professional development series that offers a trauma-informed space for reflection and deepening thinking and feeling. A Climate Aware Practitioner is someone who is already working professionally supporting other people (such as health practitioners, educators, facilitators, campaigners, researchers etc.) who recognises the current climate crises as threatening the ongoing capacity of Earth to sustain human life, ecosystems and stable climate systems.”

“The Science Teachers Association of Victoria (STAV) acknowledges the significance of raising awareness about climate change. The future of our planet and the well-being of the next generation depend on our ability to address this global challenge. Climate science and climate education are paramount in empowering our communities to apply the knowledge and skills they need to understand, adapt to, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. As an Association dedicated to the advancement of science education, we are committed to providing our members with the resources and support they need to effectively teach climate science and promote environmental stewardship in the classroom. By fostering a deeper understanding of climate science, we can inspire future leaders and innovators to make informed decisions and take meaningful action to protect our planet.”
STAV Council, 26 October 2023

“Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd (CEWA) is a Christ-centred and child-focused community of engaged learning environments, inspiring all to actively live the Gospel. Called to action by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, CEWA is developing its inaugural system-wide Laudato Si’ Sustainability Strategy, which will support all our schools and offices to act as active stewards for our common home.”

“Climate Change education is essential in all schools systems, including the Catholic School system. Climate Change education should aim to consider themes around Climate Justice and the impact that climate change has on the poor and vulnerable in our global community.”

“The CSER STEM Professional Learning Team at The University of Adelaide is committed to empowering teachers to have confidence to engage in climate change education with a solutions focus. Our Sustainability + X Module within our Digital Technologies + X MOOC aims to support Australian educators to inspire their students to see STEM education as a powerful tool in addressing societies wicked problems including climate change. We work alongside teachers to build confidence, share ideas and promote engaging educational approaches to these important issues. Digital Technologies can play a powerful role in addressing climate change for example through sustainable smart cities, biodiversity tracking, managing food waste and more. We all have a role to play in climate change education.”

Our vision is for all Australians to experience a transformative education that is reliable, impartial, and free from the influence of corporate interests; and for Australian schools to be inspiring models of sustainability that empower young Australians to thrive in a changing climate.

We believe that the role of education is to enable, empower and equip students, staff and families, and the wider community to understand and engage in climate action.

Our Vision is for an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable world.

Our Mission is to create a sustainable ecovillage as a demonstration of this vision.

Our Aim is to nurture a resilient and inclusive intergenerational community that inspires collaboration, innovation and fun; to live with kindness, aware of our interdependence with others and the natural world; and to learn and demonstrate ways to thrive within the earth’s ecological capacity, drawing on Indigenous wisdom and fostering regenerative environmental, social and economic practices.

gimmick (NYC/Philadelphia,USA) is dedicated to supporting the development of actor-generated physical theatre works.  With over twenty five years of experience, gimmick initiates collaborations with artists from a wide range of disciplines including:  actor-creators, magicians, musicians, sculptors, film-makers, designers, playwrights, puppeteers and more. Performances engage audiences with dynamic characters, lovable idiots, and existential themes explored through rigorous dramaturgy and virtuosic physicality.

Be The Future creates playful, interactive climate solutions experiences in collaboration with early learning centres, schools, governments and cultural institutions. We currently align with STEM and sustainability objectives.

A Story of Hope

Sustainability. Community. Legacy.

Join the growing number of people who are creating a wave of behavioural change with our own plan for action – starting at grassroots.

The BTH Project® (BTH – Be The Hope) is a Citizen Climate Action Plan that inspires and engages the broader community to act, collaborate and adapt to overcome the challenges of our changing world as a Grassroots Movement.

With a systematic ‘Think Global, Act Local’ approach delivered via a BTH 12R’s® Storyline, this methodology addresses issues relating to our triple planetary crisis through the usage of themes, bridging the science with the everyday, as well as highlighting to citizens alike the interconnectedness between the environment, the individual, community, educational institutions, government agencies and industry to further promote the importance of our collective efforts.

This methodology-in-action is currently being showcased by award-winning Community Service Organisation, Bottle Top Hill Inc.

“At EnviroCapture, we believe that climate change education is essential to empowering the next generation to make informed decisions that protect our planet. By raising awareness and providing the tools to understand and address environmental challenges, we can drive meaningful action and create a sustainable future for all. We’re proud to support this project and be part of a partnership that fosters climate literacy and inspires positive change.”

Global Futures Education offers high-level online courses for educators, entrepreneurs, professionals and executives wanting to confront and manage the intensifying global challenges of the 21st Century, especially climate change, and to find solutions.

Our flagship “Global Futures of Climate” (Online Course) draws together over 100 learning resources including videos, articles, reports and other digital assets from a vast trove of authoritative sources. There are 12 lessons over three Modules: Climate Change, Energy Systems and Ecosystem. Certificate of Completion includes 30 CPD points.  

Global Futures Education is delighted to support the Australian Climate Change Education Summit and Action Plan through our strong focus on nature-based solutions, regenerative futures and alignment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

This website was created through the Young People’s Climate Change Superpowers project, which aimed to support children and young people to share their wisdom and creativity in dealing with climate change.

It was created with and for young people who are concerned about climate change, along with researchers from the University of Melbourne. It highlights the strengths and assets that young people have, and how these can be drawn upon and developed to help young people navigate the climate crisis.

The project also established an agenda for future work on this topic and connected young people, supporting them to develop their skills and contribute to research.

“The Einstein-First initiative inspires all Year 3 to Year 10 students to learn about and embrace modern science and technology to help them understand, appreciate and address personal and global challenges as informed future citizens.

By explicitly teaching all students about climate science and the need for a sustainable energy future based on our modern understandings of matter and energy, we will inspire and empower all children and young adults to address climate challenges facing our planet.”

Emeritus Professor David Blair,  School of Physics, UWA and lead researcher with the ARC-funded research initiative

The Investor Group on Climate Change are the leading network for Australian and New Zealand investors to understand and respond to the risks and opportunities of climate change.

Our vision: A climate-resilient economy that is on track, by 2030, for net zero emissions in 2050.

Our mission: We will deliver real and accelerated progress on climate change by connecting, collaborating, and advocating on behalf of investors to responsibly manage climate risks and opportunities, and drive sustainable returns for investors and the beneficiaries they represent.

The Investor Group on Climate Change supports the promotion of climate change education, which is an integral part of ensuring that communities can be better involved and informed in the transition to a net zero economy. 

IGCC represents over 14 million Australians through their superannuation funds, and has a stake in ensuring that the Australian economy is sustainable for member beneficiaries to retire comfortably. 

With its “Climate Action Pays Off” campaign, IGCC has communicated, through the stories of real-life Australians, the benefits of climate action. 

Stories coming from transitioning regions, industries and vulnerable sectors of the economy have been chosen to demonstrate how there are opportunities that are ready to grasp right now, for those who are ready to embrace net zero. 

The aim of this information campaign is to improve public literacy and perceptions on clean and renewable industries, and on adaptation and resilience. 

There is a role to play for the Australian Government in settling strong climate targets, which will facilitate ambitious policy for sectoral decarbonisation and just transition principles. 

ACTS is the only independent not-for-profit member-led organisation of its kind in the Australasian region. We exist to engage, empower and exemplify organisations working to tackle complex social, economic and environmental challenges and support meaningful change towards a more sustainable future. We run a host of programs, including our Green Impact program, which supports environmentally and socially sustainable practice within organisations.